1. General provisions
1.1. This document contains the terms of payment and refunds for services provided by the company DSC on Air.
1.2. DSC on Air is a provider of video lessons, particularly video operations in the field of dentistry and webinar recordings.
1.3. The client making payment for services provided by DSC on Air agrees to all the terms outlined in this document.
2. Payment
2.1. Payment for services is made by choosing one of the available payment methods provided on the DSC on Air website.
2.2. After selecting the payment method, the client will be redirected to a convenient payment gateway to complete the payment transaction.
2.3. The client is obligated to pay the full amount for the selected DSC on Air services in accordance with the prices listed on the website.
3. Refunds
3.1. Refunds are only possible according to the DSC on Air refund policy specified on the website.
3.2. In the event of a refund request, the client must contact DSC on Air support using the provided contact information.
3.3. Details of refunds, including timelines and conditions, will be handled on an individual basis for each case based on the DSC on Air refund policy.
4. Contact information
4.1. Company: DSC on Air
4.2. Address: 37a Parkova St., Radyvyliv, Ukraine
4.3. Phone: +380993115550
4.4. Email:
This document is legally binding and constitutes an agreement between the client

TAX ID (USREOU): 3160626751
BANK ACCOUNT (IBAN): UA053052990000026003010701537
37 Parkova St., Radyvyliv, Ukraine

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